Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Daily Grind

So this is day one of week two for the blog. Awwwwwww. Today also marks the end of the third week since either Chris or I have bought groceries. Thank you non-perishable foodstuffs. Still, this is pushing it. We might get some today. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe we'll see how it goes going an entire month with a near empty refrigerator. It's up in the air for us.

I found a really nice water bottle in my French class a couple of weeks back. It's one of those metal ones. I washed it out and now use it quite often. These sentences have been very curt and clipped. I just stopped blogging to drink out of it, but it was empty so I just tossed it up in the air a few times. I am now back, typing incessantly and with inanity. Just here I had a brief conversation with Chris about how Five Mins. of Heaven was really bad and how Taken, while not really a good movie, was awesome. Action movies don't need to be good anyway. They just need to be action-y. The link between the two, if you're unaware of the prior, is that they both star Liam Neeson. Yeeeeeaaaahhhhhh. I'm not really going anywhere with this, maybe even less so than usual. I'll stop now.


  1. You've got my vote Candidate! Offit you saucy upstart!

  2. It isn't pointless at all, if more than anyone else, this is a glimpse into your life. Your testimony.
    Maybe at some point you will write about large life lessons, but maybe not, in the same sweep of the hand.

    This is a story and you are in control, though inane.
